Thursday, January 28, 2010

Recent Reviews


I am happy to report that people are actually starting to read my writing. I swear it's like my fan base went from 1 person (Me) to almost 4!! At this pace, I might have a van full by the end of the month...if I am lucky maybe even one of those big airport vans full.

Some recent reviews:

"This blog is awesome!" -Mark Dunn

"Now I want to buy more houses!" -Conor Dunn

"You've got mail." -AOL

Seriously though, thanks for reading, I like when someone tells me that they heard I have a blog...but then they get distracted by something on TV and forget to read it.



Chrissy said...

I enjoy reading your blogs! Not only do I get to hear about your real estate adventures, but I might also learn something along the way. It's a win-win.

Conor Dunn said...

Awesome, that's the angle I was going for.