Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Neighbors Know

Well, it's Wednesday and I've made it halfway through the week. It's a tough task for many of us to get this far but don't worry about me, I'm doing alright. I assume everyone has made it passed their Thanksgiving food coma at this point. I just came out of mine yesterday (not really, but that's what it feels like) and realized that Christmas is going to be here before we know it. I will be spending my holiday with family down in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I couldn't be more excited about it. Onto the weeks activities...

I am working with a client who is looking for a place in Oakland. Recently, she found a place she liked but wasn't sure how safe the neighboorhood was. We decided that the best way to find out was to knock on some doors and see what the neighboors have to say. She set out that very day and started knocking on doors, good for her! it turns out that she met a bunch of very pleasant people during her door knocking and it made her feel much better about the property she was looking at. She also made her way down the street to talk to some of the local businesses, all the while getting a great amount of information about the area and even some other areas in Oakland that she might like.

After hearing all of this I realized that neighboors love to talk about the area that they live in. They are full of information and they know a lot more about certain areas than I do. I need to be open to listening to everyone and even make it a priority to just get myself out there and talk to people. Shouldn't be too hard to do right?

That's it for today. I hope everyone has a great week!


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