Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Writing the Offer

It's been a while since I have posted a blog. I have to keep reminding myself to update this site but I have actually been pretty busy which is great.

Last week I wrote my first offer. I have been a part of plenty of contracts and deals but this was the first offer that I wrote on my own with a client that I had procured. It was a great experience doing it I was able to gain a ton of confidence just from actually doing it instead of being walked through. Once the offer was turned in, we got a counter but chose not to respond to the counter. Although I was a little bummed about the counter offer not being where we wanted it to be I was still happy for the first of many of these nerve wracking experiences.

This past Saturday was my first day off in almost 2 whole weeks. Although people might not think I am working as much (because I am not 9 to 5,) the reality is that I am working 24 hours a day. I am answering work related calls at 7 in the morning and then again at 9 at night. Not only that, but I can't screen calls anymore! If I see a number I don't recognize, I have to pick it up because I don't want to miss a call from another agent. No worries though, I can still screen my friends calls because their name actually pops up on my phone.

All in all, things are going great here. I love coming into my office because it is a nice place to be. I like working with people, and I love the feeling I get when I see someone get the house that they were looking for. This is a feeling I can't wait to have myself someday.

Last note...in the next few days I have to go and check on a house in the skits of Oakland again. You can reference my story (poop in pants) to see how excited I am to do this. Best part is that it is the same exact house, I just have to see if they've left. I am putting it off for as long as possible...wish me luck. I hope everyone had a great long weekend.
